Category Archives: bible verse



So, one of the things I do  (early on a Sunday morning) is help teach 9-11 year old girls in Sunday school.  At the moment we are doing Hebrews and some important truths from this, alongside workplace sunday, gave me some important perspective this weekend.

I have on my list of 30  bible verses to remember, Colossians 3 v 17 – yes, I did remember where it was from.  I haven’t yet learned it though exactly.  But in the morning at church we were thinking through the difference between the old and the new covenant – pretty tough stuff for kids.  The way our discussion went was thinking through the difference between us trying to obey God well enough,  therefore being in relationship with him; and us being forgiven, therefore being in relationship with him because of what He did for us, not what we do for him.

There is always a tendency to think “I need to do this…” or “if I do this or am involved in that or don’t do this or that” then we will be good Christians.  However, the reality is that no matter what I try to do on my own I will never be good enough anyway – and God’s promise or covenant of forgiveness to me is a gift – a free one!  And we can be sure about this promise because it has already been accomplished!

One example (a bit of a stretch but from the mind of an 11 year old).  If someone in school asked to borrow an apron for a costume and I promised to bring one in, but then when I got back I couldn’t find one – I would have broken my promise.  But if I know for sure there is an apron and promise to bring it – then that is like God promising to forgive us, because he already knows that it has been done through Jesus!  At least she grasped that forgiveness and being made right with God is a promise that has already, and will forever be kept!

So – the link from this for me to workplace sunday, was the freedom.  I am not bound by rules and regulations, that I would never be able to keep anyway –  but I am freed by Grace to live for someone who has sent me free!  So, this does mean that I may want to be involved in this or that, and do this or don’t do that –  but not because I have to, but because I want to! Anyway – that is something I find hard to always express at times and feel that the verse from Colossians really helps with.   So – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  Colossians 3v17.

Well, it is Monday and my week started off with the right perspective.  I hope I can continue to view my work through God’s eyes and see it as being for him.

Update on the musings and the missions on route to 30…


Oh dear…i have fallen behind a bit on the blog front, and any regular readers may have noticed (maybe they are even re-reading blog posts!!).  So, I thought I should provide a bit of a general update on my missions, which are mainly around hospitality and recipes.  I could not tell you when I last finished a book so I need to get back on to that.

But first I wanted to provide an update and tally on the RAoKs.  So, although I really like the idea of the Random Act of Kindness.  It kind of is a bit not so random if I then blog about it and tell everyone what I have done.  Also, I may be inclined to carry out some RAoKs to my friends / people I know / work colleagues etc.  And if I then blog about it they will know it was me!! So – I have decided that I will not create a blog post for a specific RAoKs – although I will give a tally.  Of course if something absolutely spectacularly heart warming or important happens as a result, I may share. But as a general rule I will not.  Hope that is ok with y’all.  I still aim for at least 30 specific RAoKs – feel free to join me in the kindness.  Tell me if you have carried out a RAoK – or if you have received one (it may be from one of my readers!!).

Anyway, so that is where I am at with that – my current tally is 2 – both carried out in central london.  I need to get creative now though.

In my thoughts flowing around inside my head, I have also been learning / embedding this verse from Colossians 3 v17.  This came up recently at work in a support group where I felt that it is important for me to remember that in all things I am ultimately part of God’s bigger plan and picture and should try and work in accordance with this.  “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  It may be a Random Act of Kindness – but hopefully nothing is too random.

One final thought on the whole RAoK scene.  Toilet twinning – that is pretty random! But pretty cool too.  So, I would not call it a RAoK per ce and have not counted it as so – but it is random and pretty good.  So, you can now twin your toilet with a toilet / latrine in another country to ensure that people have a clean toilet they can use to avoid contamination and spread of disease.  It’s pretty awesome and cool that our toilet is now twinned with a village in DRC.

Check it out here

So, that is 2 RAoKs and one bible verse down.  I have some recipes and hospitable moments to update.  So far the guests at our home have included Raymond’s father, Deborah and Leah, Isabela, and Raymond’s Gran!  As much I would love to dedicate a post to them all – I am afraid only one shall have the limelight.  However, I did love Tony’s jeans when he came as a slave rather than a guest.  Deborah and Leah came for a fun weekend in London (while we were actually away) but unfortunately due to some lovely motor-bikers they spent most of the time in bed (we have no sofas).  Isabela came for Easter Sunday slow cooked lamb after church.  That was hospitable, but I am sure we can do better for her at a later date so I am not counting any of these 3.  Our first hospitable record ticked off the list was Netta and I will defo post a blog to update soon!

Recipes to follow also…